At St. Joseph Catholic school, a Christ-centered education means that each child is able to participate in the life of the Church, increase their knowledge and love of God, and receive the gift of the sacraments with deep understanding & reverence, especially the Eucharist. It is our goal that all students, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, are able to grow in their abilities to know, love, and serve God. As a school, we help build lifelong disciples through participation in the following:
• Weekly Mass Fridays at 8:00 am and on Holy Days
• Morning Prayer M-TH at 8:00 am
• Sacramental Preparation
• Monthly opportunity for confession
• Weekly Adoration
• Monthly Rosary
• Theology Class four days a week
• Special celebrations/processions for Solemnities and Feast Days
We also invite school families to explore some of the youth programs offered by our parishes which include:
• An Active Youth Ministry program for middle/high school students
• Vacation Bible School offered in partnership with other Harrison County parishes at St. Michael Bradford one week during the month of June
• Our OCIA program for both adults and children interested in becoming Catholic